Grayscale Steps from Black to White
The image above shows 17 grayscale steps from black (value of 0) to white (value of 255) with a step value of 16. Your monitor should clearly show a difference in brightness between each step. If this is not the case you should adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor until it does. After brightness and contrast adjustment you should perform the appropriate color adjustments per your monitor manual. Proper adjustment of your monitor will allow you to see images on the web the way they were intended to be seen.
The images on this page were taken from Mountain Ranch, California with various CCD cameras and telescopes from 2010 through 2016.
Diffuse Nebulas
VDB149/150 | VDB7/9 | M42 | LBN667 |
NGC2174 | IC4604
| NA/Pelican | Veil-Eastern | Eagle Nebula | SH2-157 |
NGC281 | M17 | P/O IC1396 | M78 | IC443 | M42 |
SH2-155 | The Pleiades | Trifid Nebula | LDN673 | LBN258 | IC59/63 |
IC1274/75 | NGC6914 | Lagoon Nebula | Iris Nebula | Cocoon Nebula | Pelican Nebula |
IC1284 | SH2-150 | VDB140 | Barnard 7 Region | M42 | Rosette Nebula |
Diffuse Nebulas in H-Alpha
Rosette |
Horsehead | Sharpless 2-27 | IC1318-Butterfly | NGC6357 | M8 Mosaic | NGC6334 |
SH2-109 | DWB128 | SH2-157 | IC1805 | NGC1499 | IC2177 |
NGC6820 | Lagoon Nebula | P/O IC1318 | P/O IC1318 | SH2-142 | DWB165 |
Propeller Nebula | Sharpless 2-132 | NGC281 | Cederblad 214 | Barnard 30 & 32 | Barnard 352 |
Sharpless 2-54 | M8 | Sharpless 2-119 | LDN 1622 | Sharpless 2-9 | Pelican Nebula |
Cederblad 214 | IC1795 Region | P/O IC1396 | Horsehead Region | IC5068 in H-Alpha | LBN667 in H-Alpha |
Trio in Leo | NGC5033 | NGC6822 | M81 |
M74 | NGC6946 | M31 | NGC247 | M33 | NGC2903 |
Pegasus Galaxy Cluster | NGC2403 | NGC2336 | M100 | NGC2683 | NGC5907 |
NGC3344 | NGC4725 | NGC5985 Group | NGC1232 | M31 in Blue Light | NGC7217 |
M106 | M63 | M81/M82 | M101 | NGC4565 | Abell1656 |
IC342 | NGC891 | NGC253 | NGC7331 | M33 | M51 |
Other Objects
M24 Star Cloud | LDN1795 | M27 |
Dumbbell Nebula | Eskimo Nebula | M13 | M3 | Snake Nebula | Barnard 268 |
Ring Nebula | Helix Nebula | M13 | M11 | Double Cluster | M2 |