Globular Cluster M2 in Aquarius
(RA 21h 34m, DEC -00d 46m)
Photo Details:
- Instrument: Stellarvue SVS130 (130mm-f/5.2 - 680m FL)
- Filters: Asrtrodon
- Exposure: LRGB: 50x3mins:32:32:32x5mins
- Camera: Starlight Xpress SX16
- Software: Images Plus, Photoshop CC, DeNoise, MaxIm DL, Registar
- Location: Mountain Ranch, California, El. 2500ft (120d 30' 02" W & 38d 14' 01" N)
- Date: September 25-27, 2016
- Comments: I took this image while waiting for another object to rise.
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