P/O Sharpless 2-264 with Barnard 30 & 32 in Orion
(RA 05h 32m, DEC +12d 10m)
Photo Details:
- Instrument: Orion Mak-Newtonian (1000mm-f/5.25)
- Filters: Astrodon 5nm H-alpha
- Exposure: 83 x 10 mins Binned 2x2
- Camera: SBIG STF-8300
- Software: Images Plus, Registar, Photoshop CS5, DeNoise, Maxim DL
- Location: Mountain Ranch, California, El. 2500ft (120d 30' 18" W & 38d 13' 53" N)
- Date: October 14-17, 2013
- Comments: Barnard 30 is the dark area in the upper right, Barnard 32 is the dark smudge in the upper left and Barnard 225 is the dark streak on the far right.
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