M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy
(RA 13h 30m, DEC +47d 08m)
Photo Details:
- Instrument: RGB: OGS 12.5" RC, Luminance: Mak-Newtonian (1000mm-f/5.25)
- Filters: None
- Exposure: RGB: Unknown x 10 minutes @ ISO 800, Luminance: 58 x 10 minutes
- Camera: RGB: Canon 20Da with Hutech Type I Filter, Luminance: SBIG STF-8300
- Software: Images Plus, Registar, Photoshop 2023, Star & Noise XTerminator
- Location: Mountain Ranch, California, El. 2500ft (120d 30' 02" W & 38d 14' 01" N)
- Date: RGB: May 1, 2006, Luminance: February 14 & 22, 2014
- Comments:
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